25 de gener 2006

It was a rainy morning, so I decided to take shelter in one of the local markets, which sprawls over four streets and an inner yard. I was just looking around surrounded by small women, dead chicken and not-so-dead crabs tied with strings, taking a picture here and there, and suddenly this woman, very picturable with her wide face on a background of broken blue painted wood, captured my attention. She was selling some kind of sweets made of rice, something like that, and all the while she was lively talking to some buyer or friend. So I crouched just in front of her, fullly in her view, no more than 4 or 5 meters away, and started to take pictures. And, unlike what kept happening during the whole trip, these two women just ignored me (I cannot believe they didn't see me) and kept talking and laughing just as if I was not there. I was more than pleased, of course, and I shot and shot and shot. Only later, when I saw the pictures I had taken, I realized how in most of my shots there was this longing in her eyes, this strange combination of resignation and hope. At least that's what I see. All that, the situation and the result, coupled with the missing earrings (notice the empty holes) turn these into two of my favorite photos from the whole trip.

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Imatges profundament dignificadores, humanes. Com totes les de la sèrie.

"It was a rainy morning". Està clar que al Vietnam no hi vas anar "només" a prendre el sol.

Moltes gràcies!


litos ha dit...

Si plovia com volies que prengués el sol, maleït sia! Diu que vam enganxar el gener més fred dels darrers 50 anys. És ben bé que qui està de pega, amb els collons ensopega....

Moltes gràcies a tu, M., és molt estimulant saber que ets a l'altra banda.

Anònim ha dit...

Hola, crec que la llum del sol filtrada pels núbols que dius que et van acompanyar a Vietnam, t'ha afavorit a l'hora de fer les fotos, perquè t'han quedat impresionants.
Sempre estic a l'altre banda, encara que no deixi un post.
Lluís (amic de l'Albert Vito, i seguidor teu gràcies a ell)