06 de desembre 2005

Cançó de la setmana: The Frames - Your face

Els vaig veure en directe fa deu dies en un petit club de Berlin i va ser magnífic. Tal com he llegit en una revista britànica fa poc, els irlandesos The Frames són un dels secrets més ben guardats del rock actual. En aquesta cançó del seu disc en directe "Set List" (2003), que ja vaig mencionar en un post de la crònica moscovita, hi ha dues refrències intermusicals, una d'òbvia i una altra que no ho és tant. Us repto a trobar-les. Salut!

"This song is about drinking cider in a field, in Mullahide, being chased by a bunch of thugs who wanted my leather jacked (…) This is called Your Face. (…) You can take your partner and have a little waltz if you wish. (…) This song is really about listening to Bob Marley on a stereo, in the summer, off school, making tapes for your mates."

Your Face

I was thinking about your face rolling up the river
I was worried what you thought and I'm sorry if I can't remember
But there's no time for crying, only time for trying now

I remember your name 'cause you sang it to me often
And I was lying down beside the river where we met
But now your face is hiding something, something is burning

And I'm gonna wait for you, I've got to send this tape to you
And I'm gonna wait for you, ‘cause I know something about you
Something about the things you do, something about your voice
That reams in the big stars, it reams in the big stars

There's a road that follows everywhere you go
I stole your golden chaser but I never meant to steal, its not in my nature
But if you try again I'll fall, and if you want to save it all
Then all you have to do is give,
Give me that look again, give me that look

'Cause I'm gonna wait for you
I've got to send this tape to you
And I'm gonna wait for you

…My love

Old pirates, yes, they rob I, sold I to the merchant ship,
Minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong by the love of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation triumphantly.
Won’t you help to sing (c’mon!) these songs of freedom?
’Cause’s all I ever had: Redemption songs.

2 comentaris:

Alhazar ha dit...

doncs jo només veig al Marley...

litos ha dit...

Quina decepció.