
24 de desembre 2007

20 de desembre 2007
Sobre la por
J.A. Marina, Anatomía del miedo, 2006

La història del rabí Eisik de Cracòvia
La follia que ve de les nimfes, Roberto Calasso [trad. d'Anna Casassas]
"Ho trosas iásetai" - El mateix qui ha ferit, guarirà
El verí és tan dolç; el remei, tan amarg...
14 de desembre 2007
Vivisecció sentimental
Part II – La presa
El nen va créixer, es va convertir en un noi i, un bon dia, va conèixer una noia que era la viva imatge de la sirena de sota l’aigua. El noi va sentir de seguida que, segurament, el seu riu també era una mica d’ella i quan li va demanar que anés a viure amb ell a la casa de la riba, ella se li va llançar al coll i va dir-li que sí, que sí, sense ni pensar-s’ho. Van seguir els dies feliços, els jocs aquàtics, l’harmonia dels novells. Una nit, mentre el noi i la noia feien l’amor, sentien com la pluja petava amb fúria contra els vidres de la finestra.
—Que romàntic —va dir ell, banal.
—Tornem-hi? —va fer ella, venusta.
La pluja va caure tota la nit i al matí, en despertar, els amants van adonar-se que el riu s’havia desbordat i havia negat el jardí, empantanegat els camps i esborrat els camins. Amb paciència i dedicació, van reparar el mal i la vida va poder continuar. Amb tot, a partir de llavors els dos vivien amb por de la següent crescuda i, quan aquesta es va produir, els estralls van ser encara més devastadors que la primera vegada. Les crescudes van anar fent-se cada vegada més freqüents, les reparacions consumien l’energia dels amants i els resultats deixaven cada cop una realitat més precària: el jardí creixia moix i les flors confonien els colors, les collites eren cada vegada més minses i els camins, abans tan directes, tan definitius, serpentejaven i es perdien en si mateixos.
Al cap d’un temps, abatuts però no derrotats, i després de molt rumiar-s’ho, els amants van decidir alçar una presa per contenir els embats de la riuada. Eren dolorosament conscients que allò significava renunciar per sempre al goig sensual de la plenitud natural del riu però, d’altra banda, es deien, aquella obra els havia de permetre atènyer un bé superior al qual, això sí, mai no van saber donar un nom. Van dedicar-se a erigir la presa talment com si fos la construcció i la tasca més important que tenien davant, incansables. Pedra sobre pedra, multiplicant les energies del seu amor, van alçar un enorme dic i l’aigua del riu va anar-se acumulant fins formar un pantà. Ben aviat, sobre l’aigua estancada de les vores hi havia crescut un tou de verdet i els espiadimonis havien fet niu als joncs.
La construcció havia previst una canal que, amb un cabal regular, abastís la casa de l’aigua necessària. Ara ja no ens pot passar res, es deien els amants. Ara estem segurs. Amb tot, cada vegada que veia el llit eixut que un dia havia estat el riu, se li feia un nus a l’estómac. Poc a poc, tots els menjars que preparaven amb l’aigua del pantà que sortia per l’aixeta de la cuina van anar adquirint un regust de verdet: sopa de verdet, arròs al verdet, peix amb verdet. Al final, va pensar el noi, resulta que un riu no era per sempre.
Una nit, mentre ella dormia, ell va sortir de casa armat amb un mall, es va enfilar a la presa i va descarregar tota la seva fúria contra les pedres. Amb tot, però, la presa no va cedir. Tampoc no ho va fer la següent vegada i es va mantenir igualment ferma quan les seves escapades nocturnes van convertir-se en un ritual furibund i habitual de la frustració.
Cada nit, quan tornava d’intentar abatre la presa, i abans de ficar-se al llit, el noi es netejava a consciència: no volia deixar cap pista que pogués delatar-lo. Un dia, però, va descobrir terra sota les ungles de la noia i, l’endemà, a la nit, va veure una ombra enfilada també a l’extrem oposat de la presa. Llavors va entendre per què la presa mai no cedia: mentre ell intentava enfonsar aquell mur que li havia robat l’alegria de viure, ella es dedicava a reparar el mal. En secret, i per un instant, va odiar-la intensament perquè li estava negant el seu desig més ocult. Amb tot, aquell l’odi es va diluir i aviat va deixar pas a una tristesa oceànica.
Això va ser ahir.
Aquest vespre, quan menys s’ho esperin, la presa rebentarà de debò: un estrèpit sord s’escamparà per la vall, precedint a 340 metres per segon la riuada desbocada que s’endurà per davant la casa, com si fos de joguina. De sobte, mig ofegat per la inundació inesperada de passió acumulada, el noi tindrà una revelació i comprendrà que, en realitat, també ella s’havia dedicat, tot i que per motius diametralment oposats als seus, a sabotejar la presa i a intentar enfonsar-la. I mentre nedarà amb totes les seves forces per tornar a sortir a la superfície i comptarà, 60, 80, 120!, sentirà com, per un instant, el temps s’atura: rere la cortina tèrbola d’aigua verdosa li semblarà veure-hi la cara translúcida de la noia, ofegada. O és potser la d’una sirena?
[english version]
Part II – The dam (La presa)
Through this valley, under this bridge, a river used to flow. In the mornings, the sun reflected on the crystal-clear surface where frogs swam and in the evening, in the winding meadows, the current swirled and the murmur of the water got mixed with the sound of the crickets or, if the moon was full, the howling of the wolves that lived in the deepest of the forest. There was a house on the riverside and a boy lived in it. The river, the boy thought, was his own: he used to swim underwater and, while diving, he held his breath, counted to 60, 80, 120!, and felt as if, for a moment, time stood still. A river, the boy thought then, is forever – and that thought filled him with joy. Being under water, sometimes, he couldn’t tell where he ended and where the river started and, if he opened his eyes, behind the cloudy curtain of greenish water, he thought he saw the translucent face of a mermaid
The boy grew old and became a young man and then, one day, he met a young woman who looked just like the underwater mermaid. The boy felt immediately that, probably, his river was also a bit hers. And when he asked her to go live with him in the riverside house she threw herself into his arms and said yes, yes, without thinking. Then the happy days came, the water games, the harmony of the new. One night, while the boy and the girl were making love, they heard the rain falling hard against the windowpanes.
“That’s romantic” he said, so banal.
“Let’s do it again?” she said, so beautiful.
It rained all night and in the morning, when they woke up, the lovers realized the river had overflowed the garden, flooded the fields and erased the pathways. With patience and devotion, they repaired the damage and life could go on. But from that moment on, both lived fearing the next flood and, when it came, the damage was still more devastating than the first time. The floods became ever more frequent; the repairing works consumed the lovers’ energies and left an increasingly scarce reality: the garden grew withered and flowers mixed their colours, the crops got worse and worse, and the pathways, once so direct, so definite, now winded and got lost in themselves.
Some time later and after much considering, dispirited but not defeated, the lovers decided to build a dam to hold the effects of the flood. They were painfully aware that that meant giving up forever the sensual joy of the river’s natural fullness but, on the other hand, they said to each other, that work would help them attain a higher good for which, that’s true, they never found an appropriate name. They built up the dam tirelessly, as if it was truly their most important work. Stone upon stone, multiplying the energies of their love, they built up an enormous dam and the river gathered until, after a while, it became a reservoir. Pretty soon on the quiet waters there was a layer of moss and dragonflies had made their nests among the rushes.
The building had foreseen a canal which supplied the house with a regular and sufficient volume of water. Nothing can happen to us now, the lovers said to each other. Now we are safe. But every time he saw the dry bed where once the river used to run, he felt a knot in his stomach. Little by little, all food they prepared with the water from the reservoir coming out the kitchen tap started tasting like moss: moss soup, moss rice, moss fish. In the end, the boy thought, maybe a river was not forever.
One night, while they were sleeping, he left the house with a hammer in his hands, climbed up the dam and unloaded all his rage against its stones. Still, the dam didn’t give way. It didn’t the next time, either, and it still stood firm when his nightly rushes became a regular and furious ritual of frustration.
Every night, when he came back home from trying to knock down the dam and before getting into bed, the young man cleaned himself conscientiously: he didn’t want to betray himself. But one day he discovered some dirt under his lover’s nails and, that night, he saw a second shadow climbing the far end of the dam. Then he understood why the dam was never giving way: while he tried to knock down the wall that had deprived him from the happiness of living, she spent her nights repairing the damage. Secretly, and for a moment, he intensely hated her for denying him his most hidden wish. But that hatred soon diluted and gave way to an oceanic sadness.
All this was yesterday.
Tonight, when they least expect it, the dam will burst for real: a roaring crash will spread through the valley, preceding at a speed of 340 meters per second the wild waters that will sweep along their house as if it was a dollhouse. Suddenly, half drowned by the unexpected flood of accumulated passion, the young man will have a revelation; he will understand that, actually, and even though she was doing it for reasons diametrically opposite to his, his lover was also trying to sabotage the dam and shatter it to pieces. And then, swimming with all his energy to resurface and counting to 60, 80, 120!, he will feel as if, for a moment, time stood still: behind the cloudy curtain of greenish water, he will think to see the translucent face of the girl, drowned. Or is it a mermaid?
12 de desembre 2007
Vivisecció sentimental

Part I – Inventari
Si en saps el pler no estalviïs el bes
Que el goig d’amar no comporta mesura.
Deixa’t besar, i tu besa després
Que és sempre als llavis
Que l’amor perdura.
Joan Salvat Papasseit