15 d’abril 2008

Màxima minimalista (tal qual)

"A allò que és fet, pit"
(l'A, al xat, aquest matí)

04 d’abril 2008

"Much of the work was mechanical, and because I was the servant of the text and not its creator, it demanded a different kind of energy from the one I had put into writing The Silent World. Translation is a bit like shoveling coal. You scoop it up and toss it into the furnace. Each lump is a word, and each shovelful is another sentence, and if your back is strong enough and you have the stamina to keep at it for eight or ten hours at a stretch, you can keep the fire hot. With close to a million words in front of me, I was prepared to work as long and as hard as necessary, even if it meant burning down the house."
Paul Auster, The Book of Illusions

01 d’abril 2008


Ahir vaig veure i sentir aquest geni al Roter Salon (el vídeo pertany al concert d'ahir). Podria ser que aquest concert em canviés la vida. Potser no a gran escala, és cert, però sí que crec que ahir vaig aprendre algunes coses importants, especialment sobre la necessitat d'escoltar menys els altres i deixar-se ser més un mateix. Us recomano que us acosteu a la música de Teitur, que n'escolteu els discos, que el vegeu en directe si en teniu l'oportunitat. No us en penedireu. El seu darrer disc, "The Singer", és una meravella.